I know, I know, what the heck does that have to do with art, right? Well it has come to my attention that I’m saving all types of things “to use for my art …somehow”. For example: my son finished a container of FLUFF recently and before he could throw it out (oh wait, he’s 17, he doesn’t throw things out!)let me rephrase; when I took the empty container out of the cupboard, I thought it would make a great …fill in the blank here _________ (water container, paintbrush holder, something to pour resin, a holder for my little things sittin on my art table, etc). Case in point with my big yogurt container too…hey it has a lid, I’m sure I can put it to use somehow! AND so it begins….bags, containers, heck anything that can hold stuff…I seem to think I will find a use for it. OK, let’s call it recycling (because, really that’s what I’m doing..saving the earth and all that, right?! Yah, Yah, let’s call it that instead of hoarding..sounds so much better!! Now, when my family complains about all my “STUFF” I can tell them I’m helping to save the world. That should shut them up! 🙂
Sorry, I went off on a tangent there huh? In this new year, I have been obsessed with organizing everything (hence leading to my revelation of “saving the earth”!) I rearranged my art space, updated and created spreadsheets of my work, replaced some pics with new and improved versions and some other stuff that I really needed to do. Boy did it feel great! While I was experiencing a little “artist block” this brought me right out of it! Oh the new techniques I have thought of to make my work be the best that it can be…it has really been pretty exhilarating to say the least.
With all that said, I guess I should talk about the above painting now huh? haha This is on an 18×18 wood panel (gosh, I love those!) with 8 layers of resin (ya it’s a little heavy but oh so worth it!). It’s titled “I Heart Chaos”. I just love the depth of these paintings…it’s hard to tell in a picture (so I guess you will have to buy one to see what I’m talking about *wink*) but trust me. Pretty awesome (and I’m not breaking off my arm to pat myself on the back either 😉 it’s just a cool process..really.
Well, I think it’s time to go and clean up my art space now…it’s still snowing out (already have about 10″) so it will be another “hang in the house” day tomorrow. I can’t wait to get my hands on some of the pieces I started today! Stay tuned..more to come soon!!